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Version: v6


Metrics provide you with exhaustive data ranging from business impact to performance to experiment data across all the features configured by you in DXM… You will be able to visualize data in different formats, and slice & view data using various filters for any date range.

Getting to Metrics


  1. Choose Metrics from the top navigation bar.
  2. Alternatively, click on the app drawer -> ‘Digital Experience Manager’ -> ‘Metrics’
  3. You can view navigate through the following metrics
  • Blox Impact Metrics
  • Performance Metrics
  • Experiment Metrics

Blox Impact Metrics

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To understand the impact of Blox on your business, we provide a host of impact metrics. These metrics help you gain valuable insights into the incremental revenue and improved user engagement that Blox is driving for your website. You can view key metrics such as direct revenue, assisted revenue, total clicks on Blox recommendations, and so on. Additionally, you can gauge how clicking on a recommendation can impact revenue per visitor and conversion rate.

To understand the impact of Blox on your business, we provide a host of site-wide attribution and impact metrics.

  1. Within the Metrics screen, click on ‘Blox Impact’ on the left navigation panel.
  2. By default, the metrics shown are for the last 7 days.
    • To change the time period, click on the date selector and choose the desired date range.
  3. To query & filter metrics by different parameters, click on ‘Advanced Filter’ CTA
  4. The following key metrics are displayed by default.
  5. Retail:
    - Assisted Revenue (visit)
    - Direct Revenue (7 days)
    - Click-Through Rate
    - Direct Cart Additions (7 days)
    - Direct Product Purchases (7 days)
    - User Engagement Rate
    Note: You can use the ‘Manage’ icon to access the list of all available metrics and add/remove metrics to display.

Performance Metrics

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Performance metrics enable you to view the performance of your customer experience at different levels of granularity, namely experiences, modules, and strategies.

  1. Choose Metrics from the top navigation bar.

  2. Select ‘Performance’ on the left navigation panel.

  3. Click on the drop-down and select the time period to be used for calculating the metrics. The default time period is last 7 days.

  4. Switch between the following sub-tabs for detailed information

    PagePages provides you with access to performance data of all DXM widgets aggregated together at a Page level. By default you’ll land on Pages.
    ExperienceExperience provides you with access to performance data of the different experiences published by you.
    ModuleModule provides you with access to performance data of the different modules configured.
    StrategyMakes the field available for filtering, querying and to retrieve metadata for the corresponding data point.
    FacetStrategy provides you with access to performance data of the different strategies configured.

Experiment Metrics

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Experiment metrics enable you to view the data of all the experiments configured in one place. You can also control your experiments from here.

  1. Choose Metrics from the top navigation bar.
  2. Select ‘Experiment’ on the left navigation panel.
  3. Click on the drop-down and select the time period to be used for calculating the metrics. The default time period is last 7 days.
  4. In the All Experiments table,
  • Click on the ‘Pause/Play’ icon to update the state of the experiment. ::: Note: Any change made to the experiment state is updated directly & reflects in the experiment’s configuration screen.:::
  • Click on the ‘info’ icon to view details about each experiment

Experiment Details

  1. View the details about a variation with the experiment, the status of each variation, Experiment Metric, Uplift & Confidence Score.
  • Click on the ‘Pause/Play’ icon to update the state of the experiment. Note: Any change made to the experiment state is updated directly & reflects in the experiment’s configuration screen.
  • Click on the ‘Export’ CTA to download the metrics screen as a csv or pdf.
  • Click on the ‘Gear’ CTA, select the Metrics you want to access and click on ‘Done’
  • Click on the ‘Advanced Filters’ CTA, configure the query to filter & click on ‘Done’
  • Filtered data will be displayed


Export Metrics

Click on the ‘Export’ CTA to download the metrics displayed either as a csv or pdf.

Manage Metrics

Click on the ‘Gear’ CTA, select the Metrics you want to access and click on ‘Done’

Advanced Filters

- Click on the ‘Advanced Filters’ CTA, configure the query to filter & click on ‘Done’

- Filtered data will be displayed

SearchSearch for any Metrics using any feature name
FiltersHover over any column header where you’d like to apply filters on.

Hover over any column header where you’d like to apply sort on.

Metrics Description

Unique VisitorsThe total number of unique visitors (counted only once, no matter how many sessions they have) to your website over a selected time period.
Product ViewsThe total number of times products were viewed over a selected time period.
Product PurchasedThe total number of products purchased over a selected time period.
Total RevenueThe total revenue from sales over a period of time.
Incremental Revenue through BloxRevenue resulting from the uplift in conversion rate and average order value in journeys powered by Blox
Assisted Revenue (visit)Revenue from the sale of any product in a visit (session) with at least 1 click on Blox modules over a given period.
Direct Revenue (visit)Revenue from the sale of products (recommended on the Blox module) clicked and purchased in the same session.
Direct Cart additions (visit)The total number of products (recommended on the Blox module) clicked and added to the cart in the same session.
Direct Products Purchases (visit)The total number of products (recommended on the Blox module) clicked and purchased in the same session.
Direct Cart Additions (7 days)The total number of products (recommended on the Blox module) clicked and added to the cart within 7 days.
Direct Product Purchases (7 days)The total number of products (recommended on the Blox module) clicked and purchased within 7 days.
Direct Revenue (7 days)Revenue from the sale of products (recommended on the Blox module) clicked and purchased within 7 days.
Click-Through Rate (CTR)The number of clicks that the Blox recommendation module receives is divided by the number of times the module is viewed..
Average Order Value (AOV)Average Order Value is the average amount spent each time a customer places an order on a website.
Average Order SizeAverage Order size refers to the average number of items sold in a single purchase. It is calculated by dividing the total number of products sold by the total number of invoices generated.
User Engagement RateUser Engagement Rate is the percentage of unique visitors that click at least once on your recommendation.
Cart Abandonment RateCart Abandonment Rate is the percentage of your customers who add items to their shopping cart but then abandon the cart and end their session before completing the purchase.
Average Revenue per User (ARPU)Average Revenue per User (ARPU) is the average revenue each user brings to the business. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total number of unique users.
Revenue per Visit (RPV)Revenue per Visit (RPV) is the total revenue generated in each visit. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue generated within any given time period by the total number of visits in that time period.
Conversion RateConversion Rate is the total number of orders placed divided by the total number of unique visits to the website in a given time period expressed as a percentage.
Product Views per VisitThe average number of product pages viewed per visit. It is calculated as a ratio of the number of product views and number of unique visits to the website.
OpensOpens tracks the number of Blox recommendation emails opened by customers.
Click to Open Rate (CTOR)CTOR is the ratio of clicks to opens, as a percentage, for Blox recommendation emails